Monday, July 15, 2013

it's been a little while

Well. To make a long story short... We now have a data plan for our internet, I forgot and left a webpage open all night and used up all the data for the month in like 3 days... Sooooo it's been a while. But now we are reset for the month and I am being very intentional with my internet usage.

So of course that means blogging!
I was so encouraged to hear people asking why I haven't blogged and that they had been looking for new posts.
Thanks guys!

But with every long break comes a whole lotta pictures.

And to be 100% honest I'm getting really distracted by the new Duck Dynasty.
Which also reminds me when I tell MI natives I'm from NC they often ask me if the South is really like Duck Dynasty, or if it's like Honey Boo Boo.
Duck Dynasty. All the way.

Alright, now it's time for pictures! :)

A whole lotta beach.

A whole lotta exploring.

And a whole lotta CrossFit in big baggy shirts.
We were in a parade.

I'm so thankful for the ability to take pictures and look back on these moment that I usually take for granted.
I've been blessed beyond belief.
A lot of days have a lot of blessings in disguise and that is why pictures are so important to me. I could never live in a state of ungratefulness looking back on these blessings.

Thanks and glory to God.


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