Friday, May 10, 2013

easiest paleo pancake recipe and a WOD

If I had all the money in the world, was willing to give up Ezekial bread (Danielle, thanks for eating it so I would finally find the bread love of my life.) and would stop eating black beans I would go full on Paleo diet.

We basically do it right now but with a few exceptions.

The Paleo diet looks like this...

I found this graphic here.
We haven't made the full commitment, but maybe one day we will!
But I found the easiest recipe for Paleo pancakes.
So I'm going to share it with you guys because it is the easiest ever and very life changingly good.
2 eggs
2 bananas
Coconut oil
*This makes about 4 pancakes. If you keep a 1:1 banana/egg ratio you can adjust the recipe to how much you want! I usually do 3:3 then keep the batter in the fridge for easy breakfasts.
Mash that banana.
Beat your eggs separate.
Mix the mashed banana into your beaten eggs.

I heated 1/2 tbs of coconut oil over medium heat, but I would suggest maybe using 1 tsp instead. Once the coconut oil is liquid test if it is ready by dropping a small drip of the batter into the oil. If it sizzles then you are ready to go.

Pour the batter in like a pancake and flip when the edges have turned lighter and you can easily get your spatula underneath.
Add a LITTLE bit of oil for each pancake so they don't stick.

Serve warm with whatever you like on top. I like almond butter and raw honey. Travis and Reed like them plain. (Peanut butter isn't paleo, peanuts are legumes. But we still eat dat PB.)

Reedster totally chows down on these babies.

WOD stands for workout of the day.
You can get the CrossFit iPhone app, but most of the workouts involve equipment.
If you have equipment available then that is perfect for you, but I do these in my backyard.
We are joining a CrossFit gym shortly, but for the time being I have to search the CrossFit website WOD history to find ones I can do with just body weight. I figured I would share them with you guys!
You can save this image to your phone for easy access ;)
This workout is really short but really hard if you give it all your effort!
Give it a try! You will feel so accomplished afterward!

*Trav and I used a running app on our phones to measure the length of our backyard so we can know how far we run.


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