Sunday, April 7, 2013

what i'm diggin' right now

For some reason I always like reading these type of posts. I'm kind of a people person. Like an "I enjoy seeing into people lives and interests" people person.

So for those of you that are like me, this one's for YOU.

So right now I am...

READING (First typed out REEDING then realized we aren't talking about my son right now)
Still reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp. In a little reading set back, we have been really busy lately so when I sit down to read I try and get some Bible time in. This is the stack beside my bed where I do most of my reading. You can read the first chapter of One Thousand Gifts and/or buy it by clicking this link.

Automatically I was trying to think of a TV show I'm into right now, but I really don't watch TV all that much. An occasional Modern Family or New Girl online, but I haven't kept up with a show for about a year now. Or possibly 7 months to be more exact ;) So I had to think about what I've been watching lately and it came down to watching my son grow. The best thing to ever watch. I wish I would watch more but I get caught up in things that really don't matter in the long run. But my heart is so full of thanks for the ability to capture these moments with him because they are so fleeting. He looks so big in these pictures.

Guys, if you haven't had these Chobani things, go get one. Or one hundred. Because once that spoon touches your tongue YOU WILL be addicted. Thanks Chobani, for making my life a little more great.

Alright I'm about to go real High School on you. Which, for me, was not long ago at all. I have tried other perfumes but I keep going back to these two. While I was breastfeeding I just didn't feel right wearing perfume, I have no idea why. So now I'm back to spraying entirely too much chemical mist all over myself and walking around smelling like a VS PINK model. Perfume self control, where are you?

I am LOVING. THE. SUN. Even though when it decides to make an appearance I make an extremely wrong assumption that it is somewhat warm when I get dressed that morning. Such a tease, that sun. But when it's just shining through the window we just pretend it's warm out there and for a moment all our winter hatred is forgotten.

Right now we are looking for a house in Frankfort, MI where Travis is stationed. We live an hour away in Traverse City, MI right now. I love TC SO much, but I really want to be closer to Trav when he is on duty. And lately small town living has been calling my name. Population of 1,280 small town living. Tiny. Home is where ever your husband is.
This is the beach in Frankfort, never packed and hopefully walking distance from where we find a house. Not too shabby.

Trav and I have been on a Bethel Music obsession right now. Seriously it's all so good. Their "Without Words" album is the best to listen to while praying, reading or spontaneous worship.

That's what I'm loving, what about you? 


  1. I love Jesus Calling! And I think you've about convinced me to go buy One Thousand Gifts :)

  2. Callie, you should totally get it. And if you don't now you will probably cave after I mention it 500 more times because I take forever to finish a book ;)



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