Monday, April 8, 2013

an adoption story

Travis and I were watching "Father Of Lights." An amazing documentary on the miracles and wonders that God is doing TODAY.

And in that movie I learned about Loaves and Fishes International. This is the ministry 10% of the paintbyfaithshop proceeds go to.

I have always had a huge heart for children.
When I got married and moved to Michigan with Trav I planned on going to school. I also applied for jobs at daycares and assistant teaching positions at the elementary schools. I was so discouraged because I couldn't find a job working with kids. And eventually a job in general.
Then, December 14 2011, I took a pregnancy test and didn't breath for 5 minutes while Trav danced around the bathroom like we had just won the lottery.
It wasn't planned.
I had a baby boy IN MY BELLY.
But that's when my life changed, and that's when I stopped searching for something to fill that void.
Because that's when I became a mother and realized that's all I ever wanted to do. I want to spend the rest of my life giving my husband and children the best life (as God provides) in their home.
I want them to come home and find peace.
A place where the Holy Spirit dwells and where peace flows like a river. Where joy is had and memories are made. A place that is filled with laughter and praise. And when necessary a comfortable place to mourn and lament.
I want to steward what my God gives my family in the most gentle, yet furious, way.
I want to love my family, and God's people with a furious love.

And then, after spending a few looong months with my newborn son, reading a few of my favorite blogs and seeing this clip on this movie; it smacked me right in the face.
I want to be a mother to more children than the ones that God forms in MY womb.

I want to supply a home I described above to children that do not have a chance of a life like that.
I want to love the abandoned children.
The broken children.
The hungry children.
The dirty children.
The so very beautiful children.
Because that is what my Father has done for me, and you. And it is something He has called us to do.

I was so unworthy but still He LOVES me. And He adopted me because He wants me to be sitting at His Right Hand for eternity.
He loves my voice.
My face.
My hair.
My sense of humor.
My efforts.
My dancing.
My crying.
My interests.

He makes me feel beautiful.
Feel loved.
Feel special.
Feel joyous.
Feel comfort.

I so desperately want to bring children into our home and show them a furious love like our Father has for us. I want to raise warriors for His Kingdom.

I want my family and I to enter the Gates of Heaven and hear "Well done, my good and faithful servants."

Because He didn't plant this love and desire in my heart to sit and dream about it, and be happy for the people that acted. He wants me to DO. If He calls me to it and gives us the means to do it.

And I will do anything for a Savior who died in my place.
Who is worthy of all honor and praise.

"Who are my mother and my brothers?" He asked. Then He looked at those seated in a circle around Him and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother." Mark 3:33-35

Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27

Bring on many more skinny little legs and big piggies.

1 comment:

  1. Lydia this is so beautiful! I love you and miss you so much!



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