Thursday, May 2, 2013



That's what I try to be when I write.
I'm not here to glamorize my life.

As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world's interest in me has also died.
Galations 6:14

You may, or may not, think I boast about that enough. Or too much.
But that's where I try to keep it.
Bringing glory to only Him.

But in the attempt to relate I often, like clockwork,  put myself down.

Someone says sorry their house is a mess when I walk in.
My automatic response is "Oh no, it's fine! Mine is awful right now!"

Someone says they never work out and they're lazy.
I say "Oh there is no way you could be lazier than me! I never workout."

Someone tells me they like my shirt.
"Oh thanks, it doesn't fit me very well though."

Someone comments on how well behaved Reed is.
"Oh you should see him at home, or when he's tired, he's crazy. He's got you fooled."

And here's the honesty.

None of those replies have a lot of truth in them.

And I'm noticing that my blog posts are starting to have that kind of theme.
All for the sake of relating.

So this post is to be honest about my life right now.

It's really great.
Really, really, great.

And before you think it's because I've done things to make it that way, it's not.
Yes, I do steward what my Father hands me the best I can, and sometimes the outcome of that is amazing.

This is one of those seasons.
Things are going exactly how I would want.
But that's not life 100% of the time.

But for right now I'm going to be honest about how great things are going, rather than putting myself and the blessings down.

Because the hardships will come.
They always do.
But that's ok. Because that is what makes us strong. And closer to the King of Kings.

Right now I'm going to soak in every moment of this perfect season.
And prepare myself to do the same in the not so perfect seasons that will come.

Because if I'm going to share how God carried me through the tough, I might as well share how He places me in the good.

Then He sits back and enjoys watching every second of me dancing through it.


  1. Beautiful post! I think we are all guilty of feeling bad when life is good. For me, sometimes that's because it's hard to discern whether it's God's favor and blessing, or because Satan doesn't see me as a threat and is leaving me alone.
    What a good reminder to keep following God and enjoy the good times!

  2. A great place to hearing you speak from the heart :). he is so handsome!



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